You have heard of Gandulon no doubt, but do you know how important Gandulon’s UNITY OF the TAROK PEOPLE is? When Gandulon invented the red guinea corn in the Kanjili lake or pool, Gan who is the adopted father of Gandulon sent for all Taroh people to come and to see the wonderful neture of Gandulon. After the ceremonial act of seeing the new guinea corn, they all e.g. Zini, Bwarat, Sa, Tumwat, and Gan himself shared the new seed for planting in their respective areas.
This was the origin of the Taroh Unity eg. if anything strange or very important happenedĀ Gandulon would be permitted by Gan to summon such a meeting of all Taroh to meet at Langyi to discuss the matter. It is important to note that this method was used during the time of the white man when Lantan son of Gandulon was met by a white man at Kufen or Lanyi during the time. Because of this, he was also upgraded rather than Bwarat, Zinni, Sa, and Tumwat who preferred to retain their sovereignty when Ritak, Gan, and Gandulon families were together under the bana of Ce or Gandulon. Gandulon’s Children are Nsim, Ktan; Marzwal; Vongin and Sinnap. These 5 subclans today make up the Ce clan.